Reflections from self-isolation

I write this blog as I finish up my 14 days of self-isolation after returning from Japan. This time of solitude has been full of many emotions. Those include a deep gratitude for the essential services we so often take for granted - our healthcare workers, government support systems and all the different organisations that are moving to action to keep us safe. It also brings up strong feelings of worry, uncertainty and at times frustration. 

COVID-19 is shifting the sands below our feet. Whether it is the health, work or economic implications, or even so many of the freedoms that it is normally easy to take for granted.

It is a mass moment of reflection. It is hard during this time to not stop and ask questions about your life, what matters and what lessons we can all take away from this (and I am not talking about hoarding toilet paper).

I find it particularly interesting that, unlike in some other types of crisis (for example war or natural disaster), we all have a role to play in this unfolding story. We are all being asked to take part in determining the outcome of this pandemic. We all have the power to contain or share the virus and it has really brought to light the power of citizens and communities working together to make a positive impact.

In moments like this it can be tremendously helpful to spend at least a few moments each day checking in with yourself – how can you best look after yourself and those you love and what big lessons are you learning from this experience?   

To help you reflect we’ve put together some simple Mental Spinach tips for surviving self-isolation and some questions that the COVIC-19 pandemic prompts us to ask ourselves.

 Stay safe friends and remember that you do have the power to shift the dial on this pandemic as all of our individual actions can save lives!

Here is an example of just how powerful your actions can be! 


Mental Spinach tips for surviving isolation and social distancing 

  • Call someone you care about right now

  • Reframe your worries about things you can’t control to focus on something you can do to help

  • Drink lots of water and eat more veggies 

  • Breathe 

  • Find ways to connect with nature while indoors

  • Find one productive thing you can start and finish today 

  • Do or find something silly that makes you laugh (there’s no shortage of funny videos and memes emerging)

  • Create a daily routine and broadly stick to it

  • Create or improve one of your systems or routines today

  • Keep your space clean 

  • Dance, exercise or move every 2 hours

  • Put on your favourite song and dance like no one is watching (because they are probably not while you are in isolation)

  • Be conscious of when and how much news you're watching

  • Write a gratitude list 

  • Have a digital dinner with your friends or family and get dressed up in your Sunday Best

  • Take an afternoon nap with your pet by your side

  • Take a daydream back to one of your favourite memories 

 Questions this experience might make you ask yourself

  • How is this period changing how I think about my life? 

  • How can I make someone’s life easier today?

  • What does isolation teach me about how I can better connect with others? 

  • What's in my control today to lower my or others’ feelings of anxiety and uncertainty? 

  • Has my response to this time surprised me and why? 

  • What will bring me joy, lightness and humour today? 

  • What am I really missing at the moment?

  • Who or what does my mind wander to in this time of solitude? 

  • How can I continue to support the small businesses that I care about through this hard time? 

  • Who’s in my support crew? How can we help each other?

  • Are there any decisions I should be accelerating or deferring?