Hi Everyone,
As the festive season draws closer we wanted to offer you a great Mental Spinach book deal, to bring you up to date with our 2019 and to share what's coming in 2020.
The Mental Spinach Bulk Book Deal
You may be trying to find a meaningful and simple gift to share with your team or community. A copy of Mental Spinach for each member of your team or for your clients could be the perfect answer. This Christmas we're offering a bulk order special deal. We are selling Mental Spinach copies for $5 per book for orders over 25 books (and $7.50 for international orders). So, you could buy Mental Spinach for 25 people in your team for only $125, or even (if you’re really feeling the festive spirit) buy 100 copies for $500. What a bargain! To make the most of this deal, please email us directly by clicking on the below blue button.
$5 per book for orders over 25 books!
Best of all, it's not just the book you're giving. Every dollar from your purchase will be donated to the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation. The work they do transforms the lives of women in Ethiopia through life-saving surgery and further education/employment training (Ian and his wife Tori visited their Addis Ababa hospital on a recent trip). You can learn more about their work at: https://www.hamlin.org.au
2019 highlights for the Mental Spinach Team
2019 has been a great year full of new experiences. We've continued to share the Four Lenses of Mental Spinach with a diverse range of individuals, businesses and educational organisations. Some of these include Deloitte, Insead, Macquarie University, UTS, The International Advertising Association, Shore School and the Actuaries Institute.
We've also continued to restock Mental Spinach in bookshops like Gleebooks, Dymocks Neutral Bay, Berkalouw and the MAAS Store. There are now 4000 copies of Mental Spinach in circulation – many being carried in people’s pockets or handbags for easy thought-prompting reference in a reflective moment. From the proceeds of our book and project we have to date donated approximately $30,000 to Australian and overseas charities.
Highlights for 2019 included our four-part podcast series for the Actuaries Institute, and being stocked as part of TedX Sydney. You can learn more about both of these through the below buttons:
People regularly comment to Ian “I wish I could find a project like Mental Spinach to tackle with my son/daughter” or to Jess “ I wish I could find a project like yours to do with my mother or father.” So, when invited to address a Shore Old Boys Union gathering, we chose to workshop the subject of family collaboration through the Four Lenses. This proved to be an authentic and effective slant on our work, and we have now added it as a permanent part of our offering.
What are our plans for 2020?
We continue to enjoy sharing the message of Mental Spinach and our hearts are frequently warmed by the stories we hear of how people are regularly applying its messages. In 2020 we will continue running workshops (especially on themes of career transition, building your project/business/career and family collaboration) and selling books. We are always on the look-out for organisations and people with similar philosophies and passions with whom we can collaborate. If an organisation come to your mind as a good fit, we would be delighted to hear your ideas or to be connected with them.
Upcoming releases of additional material
Ian has been working on material relevant to Mental Spinach for almost 20 years and Jess about 7 years. During that period we have written many thought-pieces on subjects closely linked to the Four Lenses. We will be capitalising on that material in our plans for 2020 and we aim to release a range of new content early next year.
Thanks as always for your support!
All the best and we hope you have a wonderful festive season ahead and start to 2020.
Jess and Ian Pollard